Monday, September 15, 2008

More Palin jokes

5 Cool and Unbelievable Things you too can do according to Sarah "I- can -see -Russia -from- an-island-in-Alaska-therefore-I'm-an-expert-on-foriegn-affairs-in-Russia" Palin:

1- If you can see the sky, you are automatically qualified to be an Airforce Commander

2- If you ever see Britney Spears in Malibu, you, too, can win 3 VMA's while wearing a pink wig, talking in a British accent, sipping Frappacinos and Red Bull, eating Cheetos, all without producing any hit songs.

Pictured Below: Brit-Brit circa Two-thousand-Crazy.

3- If you can see dead people, you're dead.

4- If you see the new Jaguar, then I'm not even hatin' beause you're baaaallin'.

5- If you can see the White House on a postcard your Aunt Sally sent you on a recent trip to Washington D.C., then you may be on your way to being Vice President and your name is Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate Palin.