Thursday, September 11, 2008

He Went Hard as the Hood He's From....

(Picture: Crown Royal On Ice)

TMZ. Media Takeout. National Enquirer. America's favorite news sources aren't actually "news" sources at all. But if you're looking for Britney's lates
t order from Starbucks or what brand of gum Kobe chews, they've got it on lock. An occasional victim of TMZ and Media Takeout myself, I was caught off guard when Bonita said "Hey, did you hear that Kanye got arrested?", so I went straight to the source of the lowest form of journalism for the scoop.

Headlines everywhere blared "Kanye West Arrested at LAX on Vandalism Charges", and proceeded to tell the story about how he and his body guard did a grab and smash on some TMZ pappers camera. Okay, I'm still looking for
the bottom line, so I watched the video.

We all know I love Kanye, and I give him as much grief as I do praise, but damnit, this is ALL OUT RIDICULOUS. Honestly, I'm pissed off that he did
n't do MORE to this guy. Yeah, its bad for PR, but let's think about this on a basic, human level (after all, despite what any of us may think, he IS human, until proven otherwise...). How many club fights have started, all from just someone being looked at wrong? Now then think about how YOU would react if someone followed you constantly barraged you with cameras, dug through your trash, and surrounded your car and prevented you from getting where you needed to go, on a regular, if not daily basis???? You'd flip, right? I would. And the lame dude has the nerve to have video of him saying how afraid he is of Ye. GET THE F**K OUTTA HERE!!! Even I'M not afraid of Kanye!

Some people make the argument that it's just the price of fame, the price of living your life in the spotlight. And truthfully, I rarely ever feel sorry for people with more money than they could spend in 10 lifetimes, but this is honestly ridiculous. At some level, everyone has a right to privacy, and to not have every single last detail of their life exposed through the lens of a camera. Yet by that same token, some of us are to blame - we feed and feed into this shit. We run out and buying stupid plastic striped aviators because Kanye wore them, or switch from Orbit to 5Gum because Lindsey Lohan said it's delicious. We are the ones that keep trying to figure out if Chris Brown and Rihanna are dating, and what store Paris Hilton bought her ugly dog's leash from.

Whoever's fault it is, the bottom line is, you get what you deserve. Nobody forced this sap stalk Kanye in LAX. As a matter of fact, they've got footage from other times they've tried to film Kanye, and he and his body guard tactfully explained that it was not going down that way. A hard head makes a soft ass, and somebody shoulda beat his.

-- Crown Royal On Ice--

P.S. - My new prediction that the media and McCain's tired ass camp, in all their infinite wisdom will attempt to draw some correlation between Kanye playing into the "angry black man" stereotype, and Barack Obama. Mark my words.

Editor's Note: Crown Royal will be taking a brief vacay from LB to get her ish together. But don't worry, she'll be back soon.

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