Friday, September 12, 2008

Can Somebody Please Explain to Me What the Vice President Does?

I've decided to stand up and fight - on behalf of women and people with at least 2 functioning brain cells everywhere. Sarah Palin's bid for Vice President is offensive, and an insult to the intelligence of the American public. Now I've never been one to advocate that Americans are the brightest people, or that we (sigh, it hurts to say that sometimes) share the same intense work ethic that propels other countries forward, but the hijinks and shenanigans of the OldFart/DumbAss '08 are just down right ridiculous.

Watching the Charles Gibson interview on ABC last night (and again today on YouTube), I laughed on the phone with Bonita about how incredibly dumb Sarah Palin is, and how we might as well go ahead and undo the 19th Amendment, and pack our bags for the Motherland if this shit flies. In my day-to-day slander and defamation of McCain and Palin, I find myself more and more convinced that my 4 year old nephew is more prepared to run this country than they are.

Just in case you can't quite figure out why I absolutely abhor McCain and Palin, I have a few educational videos that I would like to share. Prior to Palin's selection as VP running mate, she made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that she has no idea what the Vice President of the United States does. As a matter of fact, she said exactly that:

In case you missed it (or like me, don't have the luxury of indulging in morning TV during the week), John McCain was on The View. If this wasn't a ploy to secure the soccer mom vote, I don't know what it is. But to Barbara, Whoopi n' them's credit, they didn't make this an easy PR move for McCain. Low key, he got grilled. Some of my favorite moments:

Barbara: How is Sarah Palin going to reform Washington, as a Republican, when the Republicans have been running the country for the past 8 years, and her running mate has spent 22 years in Washington as a Senator and Congressman?

Whoopi: [In reference to John McCain's belief of strict constitutional interpretation] Should I be worried about becoming a slave again?

Everyone also made a big hooplah about ABC's Charles Gibson getting the first ever interview with Sarah Palin. Boy, I bet the Elephant camp regrets that choice.... He surely solidified and broadcast to the world that Sarah Palin is an absolute moron, who knows nothing outside the confines of Alaska (and even her knowledge about that is questionable at best). I bet after this interview, she went home and Googled "Bush Doctrine" and "US Diplomacy" to brush up on some of the good ol' stuff she'll need to know the next time somebody asks her a question.

The parts of the interview you missed:

Gibson: I already know you're an idiot, but just for shits and giggles, tell me if you really believe you're prepared for this job.
Palin: What job?
Gibson: Vice President of the United States.
Palin: Who said I was doing that? I don't even know what that means.
Gibson: I figured as much. Moving on, what do you think about the war in Iraq?
Palin: I just sent my son. He will come back safe and sound, just like all the troops will.
Gibson: Dear God, you can't be this dumb.
Palin: Of course I can, Charlie!
Gibson: Shit. [Sigh]...what do you think about the Bush Doctrine?
Palin: I really believe that you should wax, or at least shave. Don't be unkept - you never know what will happen, Charlie.
Gibson: Do you agree with and believe in the sovereignty of Georgia from Russia?
Palin: Russia has no right to try to take over one of our states!

Gibson: Damnit bitch, have you ever been outside of the country?
Palin: Of course! I just went to school in Idaho, its not like I live in the rural part of Alaska, Charlie.
Gibson: Fuck. I give up. [Wilson proceeds to snatch off mics, and pull a Kanye on the cameras.]

Okay, forreal, I'm really gonna go on hiatus now. No I'm not - part deuce of this BS comes on tonight. I'll blog on that, then go on hiatus.

-- Crown Royal On Ice --

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